Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Ange Leccia - La Mer - 1991

Ange Leccia (1952 - )

French artist Ange Leccia studied fine arts in Corisca. He is primarily a photographer and video poet. Leccia relies on the emotional capacity of his viewers to construct a harmony with the subject they are presented with. He often films or photographs ordinary scenes. However, he changes the vantage point so that the ordinary thing is encountered anew. 

In his own words:

"To arrange things is to find the right relationship – the right point. Once the placement is found, the meeting of the objects/elements becomes a work of art… For me, there is the idea that the work can modify itself. That it has bits of its own life in which some things escape me"

La Mer - 1991

La Mer displays the natural spectacle of a sea washing ashore on a beach. Walking along an ocean beach while waves are pounding the shore is always a hypnotic experience. Along with the spray of the surf is the thunderous crash, vibrating our internal organs so that we must align our bodies with the tempo of the waves - usually slower and more rhythmic than usual - and thus pacifying. La Mer, however, removes all of the sensations except visualization. A steady camera looks down at the beach from a high point. It appears as though the water is climbing up in vertical space. The exciting pace of the waves is tempered by the silence of the encounter. This causes a meditative moment.

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